Az új Lost Abyss booster - Giratinával a főszerepben

The New Lost Abyss booster-with Giratina in the lead role

The Lost Abyss set was released in Japan on Friday, July 15th. It has been one of the most anticipated boosters of recent times, full of beautiful cards. But let's not pull on the word, let's see what we find in it!

Even the box looks pretty beautiful and suggests which Pokemon will be in the spotlight:

Giratina V SR

Already from a distance will stab eyes on the unique illustration on the card and you have to admit it became pretty beautiful. At first it may seem hectic, but looking at it, we find ourselves facing a beautiful card. The oneThe rarestAnd at the same timeMost valuableCard in the set.

Lady SR (Trainer)

The usual girl trainer card can't be left out of a good set, it didn't happen differently here either. The name of the card, on the other hand, only became A simple Lady, but she is still quite striking. Also rare and the second most valuable card.

Aerodactly V SR

At last, Aerodactly also received his first alt art card and, as an introduction, the sure one does not have to be ashamed of:

After that, let's look at the other cards that are both rare and valuable:

Galarian Perrserker V

Rotom V


Giratina VSTAR

Collapsed Stadium

Aerodactyl VSTAR

You can see all Secret Rare pages here:

Of course, the Lost Abyss set will be available soon.

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